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Een Combobox / Listbox vullen
1 vullen met de funktie Array 1.1 lijst met woorden 1.2 lijst met getallen 1.3 lijst met datums 1.4 data windows opmaak 1.5 date met eigen opmaak 2 vullen met methode Split 2.1 bestanden 2.1.1 in een directory 2.1.2 in (sub)directories 2.1.3 pdf in een directory 2.1.4 pdf in (sub)directories 2.1.5 naam oplopend gesorteed 2.1.6 naam aflopend gesorteerd 2.1.7 op oplopende grootte 2.1.8 op aflopende grootte 2.1.9 oplopende datum 2.1.10 aflopende datum 2.1.11 creationdate: aflopend 2.1.12 lastaccessdate: aflopend 2.1.13 lastsavedate: aflopend 2.2 Subfolders 2.2.1 bestand en (1-nivo) subfolders 2.2.2 bestand in alle (sub)folders 2.2.3 1-nivo subfolders 2.2.4 alle subfolders 2.3 Werkblad 2.3.1 alle werkbladen 3 Vullen met een Customlist 3.1 weekdagen kort 3.2 weekdagen voluit 3.3 maanden kort 3.4 maanden voluit 3.5 eigen customlist 4 Vullen: range in werkblad 4.1 kolom 4.2 rij 4.3 gebied 4.4 unica in kolom 4.5 unica in kolom, gesorteerd 4.6 unica in rij 4.7 unica in rij, gesorteerd 4.8 unica in gebied 4.9 unica in gebied, gesorteerd 4.10 unica gesorteerd in Excel365 5 Vullen: methode Evaluate 5.1.1 alle cijfers 5.1.2 Ucase alfabet 5.1.3 Lcase alfabet 5.1.4 getallen met interval 5 5.1.5 getallen met interval 7 5.2 Maandnamen 5.2.1 voluit 5.2.2 kort 5.2.3 internationaal 5.3 Weekdagnamen 5.3.1 voluit 5.3.2 ISO-week voluit 5.3.3 kort 5.3.4 ISO-week kort 5.3.5 ISO-week internationaal 5.4 Dates 5.4.2 deze ISO week 5.4.2 afgelopen ISO week 5.4.3 volgende ISO week 5.4.4 deze maand 5.4.5 afgelopen maand 5.4.6 volgende maand 5.4.7 dit ISO jaar 5.4.8 afgelopen ISO jaar 5.4.9 volgend ISO jaar 5.4.10 afgelopen 28 days 5.4.11 komende 28 days 5.4.12 zondagen ISO jaar 5.4.13 maandagen ISO jaar 5.4.14 dinsdagen ISO jaar 5.4.15 woensdagen ISO jaar 5.4.16 donderdagen ISO jaar 5.4.17 vrijdagen ISO jaar 5.4.18 zaterdagen ISO jaar 5.4.19 woensdag omde 6 weken ISO jaar 5.5 tijden 5.5.1 uren per dag 5.5.2 half-uur per day 5.5.3 kwartieren per dag 5.5.4 iedere 10 minuten per dag 5.5.5 urr van 08:00 tot 18:00 5.5.6 10 seconden van 20:12:00 tot 20:14:00 5.6 Wiskundig |
Deze pagina behandelt het vullen van invoerlijsten (comboboxen) en keuzelijsten (listboxen). Voor de leesbaarheid gebruik ik steeds de combobox. Alles wat hier over de combobox gezegd wordt is identiek voor een listbox 0.1 Combobox/Listbox kenmerken Een combobox (invoerlijst) kan een 1-dimensionele Array bevatten: het aantal rijen : ubound(combobox1.list)+1Een combobox (invoerlijst) kan een 2-dimensionele Array bevatten: het aantal rijen : ubound(combobox1.list)+1 het aantal kolommen : ubound(combobox1.list,2) + 1 De eerste rij in een combobox is 0 : Lbound(combobox1.List) De eerste kolom in een combobox is 0 : LBound(Combobox1.List,2) Lees het derde item in een 1-dimensionele Combobox: msgbox Combobox1.List(2) Lees het derde item in de vijfde kolom in een 2-dimensionele Combobox: msgbox Combobox1.List(2,4) Als je met een combobox beoogt de gebruiker een uitputtende lijst van geldige opties te bieden kun je neiuwe invoer van de gebruiker beter voorkomen. Als je de eigenschap 'style' op 2 (dropdownlist) zet kan de gebruiker alleen uit de bestaande opties kiezen. Dan is de combobox identiek aan de listbox. Een belangrijk voordeel is wel dat de Combobox een ingebouwd zoekfilter heeft op basis van ingevoerde letters. 0.2 Methoden om een combobox/listbox te vullen De Additem methode is bedoeld om excact 1 element aan een lijst toe te voegen.De methode is niet geschikt om een lijst te vullen. Met meer dan 10 items wordt de methode merkbaar traag. Dat komt waarschijnlijk omdat de methode ook de positie van het nieuwe item in de bestaande lijst moet bepalen. Additem is kortom geen geschikte methode om een hele lijst te vullen. Met rowsource leg je een direkte link naar een gebied in een werkblad. Met een Combobox kan dat tot het vastlopen van Excel leiden, omdat een wijziging in de combobox niet adekwaat verwerkt wordt in gelijktijdige aanpassing van het werkblad. Bovendien kan iedere wijziging van het werkblad allerlei ongewenste gebeurtenissen oproepen, die kunnen interfereren met de combobox en de verwerking van de code kunnen vertragen. Ter voorkoming van vertraging van code dient schrijven/lezen naar een werkblad nl. zoveel mogelijk beperkt te worden. In ActiveX-controls is de listfillrange methode equivalent aan de Rowsource methode. Daarvoor gelden dezelfde nadelen. Beter niet gebruiken dus. De beste methode om een Combobox/listbox te vullen is de methode 'List'. Je kunt direkt een 1-dimensionele of 2-dimensionele array aan een combobox/listbox toeschrijven. De lijst behoudt automatisch de rijen en kolommen van de toegeschreven array. Als je geen array hebt kun je het best eerst alle op te nemen waarden in een array zetten en in 1 keer aan de combobox toewijzen. Dit is de meest efficiënte en snelste manier om een lijst te vullen. De methode .Column is identiek aan de methode .List. Het enige verschil: de array die wordt toegewezen wordt getransponeerd: rijen worden kolommen, kolommen verschijnen als rijen. 1 Vul een combobox met de functie Array 1.1 Een lijst met woorden (strings) ComboBox1.List = Array("een", "twee", "drie") ComboBox1.List = Array(1, 2, 3) ComboBox1.List = Array(Date, Date + 1, Date + 2) 1.4 Data vormgegeven conform de internationale instellingen van Windows ComboBox1.List = Array(FormatDateTime(Date, 2), FormatDateTime(Date + 1, 2), FormatDateTime(Date + 2, 2)) 1.5 Data vormgegeven onafhankelijk van de internationale instellingen van Windows ComboBox1.List = Array(Format(Date), Format(Date + 1), Format(Date + 2)) ComboBox1.List = Array(Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy"), Format(Date + 1, "dd-mm-yyyy"), Format(Date + 2, "dd-mm-yyyy")) 2 Vul een combobox met de methode Split Het default splitsingsteken is de spatie; dat hoef je dan ook niet te specificeren.ComboBox1.List = Split("een twee drie") ComboBox1.List = Split("een|twee|drie", "|") ComboBox1.List = Split("1,2,3", ",") ComboBox1.List = Split(Format(Date) & "," & Format(Date + 1) & "," & Format(Date + 2), ",") 2.1.1 alle bestanden in een bepaalde folder ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.2 alle bestanden in een folder en alle subfolders ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.3 alle pdf-bestanden in een folder ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\*.pdf"" /b /a-d").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.4 alle pdf-bestanden in een folder en alle subfolders ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\*.pdf"" /b /a-d /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.5 alle bestanden in een folder: alfabetisch oplopend gesorteerd op naam ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /on").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.6 alle bestanden in een folder: alfabetisch aflopend gesorteerd op naam ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /o-n").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.7 alle bestanden in een folder: oplopend gesorteerd op grootte ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /os").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.8 alle bestanden in een folder: aflopend gesorteerd op grootte ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /o-s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.9 alle bestanden in een folder: oplopend gesorteerd op datum ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /od").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.10 alle bestanden in een folder: aflopend gesorteerd op datum ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /o-d").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.11 alle bestanden in een folder: aflopend gesorteerd op aanmaakdatum ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /o-d /tc").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.12 alle bestanden in een folder: aflopend gesorteerd op bewerkdatum ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /o-d /ta").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.1.13 alle bestanden in een folder: aflopend gesorteerd op opslagdatum ComboBox1.List = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /a-d /o-d /tw").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".") 2.2.1 alle bestanden en (1-nivo) subfolders van een folder ComboBox1.List = Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir
""G:\test folder\"" /b").stdout.readall, vbCrLf) 2.2.2 alle bestanden en alle subfolders van een folder ComboBox1.List = Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\"" /b /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf) 2.2.3 alle (1-nivo) subfolders van een directory/folder ComboBox1.List = Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\*."" /b").stdout.readall, vbCrLf) 2.2.4 alle subfolders van een directory/folder ComboBox1.List = Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir ""G:\test folder\*."" /b /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf) For Each sh In Sheets
c00 = c00 & "|" & sh.Name
NextComboBox1.List = Split(Mid(c00, 2), "|") 3 Vul een combobox met een 'aangepaste lijst' (customlist) 3.1 alle weekdagnamen (eerste 2 letters) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomListContents(1) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomListContents(2) 3.3 alle maandnamen (eerste 3 letters) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomListContents(3) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomListContents(4) 3.5 een eigen 'aangepaste lijst' (customlist) Application.AddCustomList Array("Team I", "Team II", "Team III") ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomListContents(Application.CustomListCount) 4 Vul een combobox met een werkbladgebied ComboBox1.List = Sheets(1).Cells(1, 4).Resize(10).Value UBound(ComboBox1.List, 2)=0 ComboBox1.List = Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Resize(, 10).Value UBound(ComboBox1.List, 2)=9 Als je alle kolommen in de Combobox wil tonen moet je de eigenschap columncount instellen: combobox1.columncount=ubound(combobox1.list,2)+1 ComboBox1.List = Sheets(1).Cells(1,1).rResize(10,10).Value UBound(ComboBox1.List, 2)=9 Als je alle kolommen in de Combobox wil tonen moet je de eigenschap columncount instellen: combobox1.columncount=ubound(combobox1.list,2)+1 4.4 unieke waarden in een kolom ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(Filter([transpose(if(countif(offset($A$1,,,row(A1:A100)),A1:A100)=1,A1:A100,"~"))], "~", False)) sn = Sheets(1).Range("A1:A100") With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For Each cl In sn
End WithIf cl<>"" And Not .exists(cl) Then .Add cl, Nothing
NextComboBox1.List = .keys 4.5 unieke gesorteerde waarden in een kolom With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each cl In sn
End With
If cl<>"" And Not .contains(cl) Then .Add cl
Next.Sort ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(.toarray()) combobox1.list = Application.Transpose(Filter([index(if(countif(offset($A$1,,,,column(A1:AZ1)),A1:AZ1)=1,A1:AZ1),)], "False", False)) sn = Sheets(1).Range("A1:AZ1") With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For Each cl In sn
End WithIf cl<>"" And Not .exists(cl) Then .Add cl, Nothing
NextComboBox1.List = .keys u4.7 nieke gesorteerde waarden in een rij sn= Sheets(1).Range("A1:AZ1") With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") For Each cl In sn
End WithIf cl<>"" And Not .contains(cl) Then .Add cl
Next.Sort ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(.toarray()) 4.8 unieke waarden in een gebied sn = Sheets(1).Range("A1:AZ100") With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For Each cl In sn
End WithIf cl<>"" And Not .exists(cl) Then .Add cl, Nothing
NextComboBox1.List = .keys 4.9 unieke gesorteerde waarden in een gebied sn= Sheets(1).Range("A1:AZ100") With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") For Each cl In sn
End WithIf cl<>"" And Not .contains(cl) Then .Add cl
Next.Sort ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(.toarray()) 4.10 unieke gesorteerde waarden in een gebied in Excel365 Excel 365 bevat nieuwe Excelfunkties.In dit geval 'SORT" en 'UNIQUE'. Je kunt deze gebruikern met de methode 'evaluate' om een unieke gesorteerde lijst van een gebied te maken. Omdat de methode 'evaluate' 2 versies heeeft toon ik ze hier beide afzonderlijk. ComboBox1.List = Evaluate("SORT(UNIQUE(" & Sheet1.cells(1).currentregion.columns(1).address & "))") Sheet1.cells(1).currentregion.columns(1).name="snb" ComboBox1.List = [SORT(UNIQUE(snb))] 5 Vul een combobox met de methode Evaluate ComboBox1.List = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) ComboBox1.List = Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") ComboBox1.List = Split("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9") ComboBox1.List = [row(1:10)-1] ComboBox1.List = [index(row(1:10)-1,)] ComboBox1.List = [index(char(row(48:57)),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(char(row(48:57)))] ComboBox1.List = Evaluate("row(1:10)-1") ComboBox1.List = Evaluate("index(char(row(48:57)),)") ComboBox1.List = Evaluate("transpose(char(row(48:57)))") ComboBox1.List = [index(char(64+row(1:26)),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(char(96+row(1:26)),)] 5,1,4 getallen met intervale.g. 0 _ 5 _ 10 _ 15_ etc. ComboBox1.List = [index(5*(row(1:10)-1),)] 5.1.5 numbers with intervale.g. 0 _ 7 _ 14 _ 21_ etc. ComboBox1.List = [index(7*(row(1:10)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(4) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(8) ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"mmmm"),)] ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(3) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(7) ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"mmm"),)] 5.2.3 maandnamen in diverse talen ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-401]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Saudi Arabia 401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-402]mmmm"),)] ' Bulgarian 402 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-403]mmmm"),)] ' Catalan 403 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-404]mmmm"),)] ' Chinese - Taiwan 404 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-405]mmmm"),)] ' Czech 405 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-406]mmmm"),)] ' Danish 406 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-407]mmmm"),)] ' German - Germany 407 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-408]mmmm"),)] ' Greek 408 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-409]mmmm"),)] ' English - United States 409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-410]mmmm"),)] ' Italian - Italy 410 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-411]mmmm"),)] ' Japanese 411 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-412]mmmm"),)] ' Korean 412 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-413]mmmm"),)] ' Dutch - Netherlands 413 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-414]mmmm"),)] ' Norwegian - Bokml 414 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-415]mmmm"),)] ' Polish 415 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-416]mmmm"),)] ' Portuguese - Brazil 416 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-417]mmmm"),)] ' Raeto-Romance 417 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-418]mmmm"),)] ' Romanian - Romania 418 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-419]mmmm"),)] ' Russian 419 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-420]mmmm"),)] ' Urdu 420 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-421]mmmm"),)] ' Indonesian 421 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-422]mmmm"),)] ' Ukrainian 422 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-423]mmmm"),)] ' Belarusian 423 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-424]mmmm"),)] ' Slovenian 424 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-425]mmmm"),)] ' Estonian 425 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-426]mmmm"),)] ' Latvian 426 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-427]mmmm"),)] ' Lithuanian 427 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-428]mmmm"),)] ' Tajik 428 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-429]mmmm"),)] ' Farsi - Persian 429 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-430]mmmm"),)] ' Sesotho (Sutu) 430 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-431]mmmm"),)] ' Tsonga 431 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-432]mmmm"),)] ' Setsuana 432 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-433]mmmm"),)] ' Venda 433 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-434]mmmm"),)] ' Xhosa 434 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-435]mmmm"),)] ' Zulu 435 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-436]mmmm"),)] ' Afrikaans 436 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-437]mmmm"),)] ' Georgian 437 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-438]mmmm"),)] ' Faroese 438 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-439]mmmm"),)] ' Hindi 439 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-440]mmmm"),)] ' Kyrgyz - Cyrillic 440 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-441]mmmm"),)] ' Swahili 441 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-442]mmmm"),)] ' Turkmen 442 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-443]mmmm"),)] ' Uzbek - Latin 443 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-444]mmmm"),)] ' Tatar 444 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-445]mmmm"),)] ' Bengali - India 445 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-446]mmmm"),)] ' Punjabi 446 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-447]mmmm"),)] ' Gujarati 447 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-448]mmmm"),)] ' Oriya 448 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-449]mmmm"),)] ' Tamil 449 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-450]mmmm"),)] ' Mongolian 450 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-451]mmmm"),)] ' Tibetan 451 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-452]mmmm"),)] ' Welsh 452 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-453]mmmm"),)] ' Khmer 453 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-454]mmmm"),)] ' Lao 454 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-455]mmmm"),)] ' Burmese 455 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-456]mmmm"),)] ' Galician 456 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-457]mmmm"),)] ' Konkani 457 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-458]mmmm"),)] ' Manipuri 458 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-459]mmmm"),)] ' Sindhi 459 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-460]mmmm"),)] ' Kashmiri 460 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-461]mmmm"),)] ' Nepali 461 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-462]mmmm"),)] ' Frisian - Netherlands 462 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-464]mmmm"),)] ' Filipino 464 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-465]mmmm"),)] ' Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian 465 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-466]mmmm"),)] ' Edo 466 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-470]mmmm"),)] ' Igbo - Nigeria 470 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-474]mmmm"),)] ' Guarani - Paraguay 474 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-476]mmmm"),)] ' Latin 476 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-477]mmmm"),)] ' Somali 477 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-481]mmmm"),)] ' Maori 481 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-801]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Iraq 801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-804]mmmm"),)] ' Chinese - China 804 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-807]mmmm"),)] ' German - Switzerland 807 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-809]mmmm"),)] ' English - Great Britain 809 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-810]mmmm"),)] ' Italian - Switzerland 810 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-813]mmmm"),)] ' Dutch - Belgium 813 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-814]mmmm"),)] ' Norwegian - Nynorsk 814 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-816]mmmm"),)] ' Portuguese - Portugal 816 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-818]mmmm"),)] ' Romanian - Moldova 818 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-819]mmmm"),)] ' Russian - Moldova 819 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-843]mmmm"),)] ' Uzbek - Cyrillic 843 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-845]mmmm"),)] ' Bengali - Bangladesh 845 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-850]mmmm"),)] ' Mongolian 850 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1001]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Libya 1001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1004]mmmm"),)] ' Chinese - Singapore 1004 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1007]mmmm"),)] ' German - Luxembourg 1007 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1036]mmmm"),)] ' France 1036 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1009]mmmm"),)] ' English - Canada 1009 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1401]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Algeria 1401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1404]mmmm"),)] ' Chinese - Macau SAR 1404 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1407]mmmm"),)] ' German - Liechtenstein 1407 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1409]mmmm"),)] ' English - New Zealand 1409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1801]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Morocco 1801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-1809]mmmm"),)] ' English - Ireland 1809 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-2001]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Oman 2001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-2009]mmmm"),)] ' English - Jamaica 2009 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-2401]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Yemen 2401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-2409]mmmm"),)] ' English - Caribbean 2409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-2801]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Syria 2801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-2809]mmmm"),)] ' English - Belize 2809 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-3001]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Lebanon 3001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-3009]mmmm"),)] ' English - Zimbabwe 3009 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-3401]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Kuwait 3401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-3409]mmmm"),)] ' English - Phillippines 3409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-3801]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - United Arab Emirates 3801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-4001]mmmm"),)] ' Arabic - Qatar 4001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(2015,row(1:12),1),"[$-4009]mmmm"),)] ' English - India 4009 5.3.1 weekdagnamen voluit: zondag t/m zaterdag ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(2) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(6) ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(1:7),"dddd"),)] 5.3.2 weekdagnamen ISO-week voluit: maandag t/m zondag ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"dddd"),)] 5.3.3 weekdagnamen kort: zo t/m za ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(1) ComboBox1.List = Application.GetCustomlistContents(5) ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(1:7),"ddd"),)] 5.3.4 weekdagnamen ISO-week verkort: ma t/m zo ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"ddd"),)] 5.3.5 weekdagnamen ISO-week in diverse talen ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-401]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Saudi Arabia 401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-402]dddd"),)] ' Bulgarian 402 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-403]dddd"),)] ' Catalan 403 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-404]dddd"),)] ' Chinese - Taiwan 404 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-405]dddd"),)] ' Czech 405 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-406]dddd"),)] ' Danish 406 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-407]dddd"),)] ' German - Germany 407 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-408]dddd"),)] ' Greek 408 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-409]dddd"),)] ' English - United States 409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-410]dddd"),)] ' Italian - Italy 410 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-411]dddd"),)] ' Japanese 411 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-412]dddd"),)] ' Korean 412 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-413]dddd"),)] ' Dutch - Netherlands 413 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-414]dddd"),)] ' Norwegian - Bokml 414 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-415]dddd"),)] ' Polish 415 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-416]dddd"),)] ' Portuguese - Brazil 416 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-417]dddd"),)] ' Raeto-Romance 417 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-418]dddd"),)] ' Romanian - Romania 418 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-419]dddd"),)] ' Russian 419 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-420]dddd"),)] ' Urdu 420 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-421]dddd"),)] ' Indonesian 421 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-422]dddd"),)] ' Ukrainian 422 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-423]dddd"),)] ' Belarusian 423 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-424]dddd"),)] ' Slovenian 424 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-425]dddd"),)] ' Estonian 425 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-426]dddd"),)] ' Latvian 426 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-427]dddd"),)] ' Lithuanian 427 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-428]dddd"),)] ' Tajik 428 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-429]dddd"),)] ' Farsi - Persian 429 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-430]dddd"),)] ' Sesotho (Sutu) 430 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-431]dddd"),)] ' Tsonga 431 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-432]dddd"),)] ' Setsuana 432 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-433]dddd"),)] ' Venda 433 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-434]dddd"),)] ' Xhosa 434 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-435]dddd"),)] ' Zulu 435 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-436]dddd"),)] ' Afrikaans 436 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-437]dddd"),)] ' Georgian 437 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-438]dddd"),)] ' Faroese 438 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-439]dddd"),)] ' Hindi 439 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-440]dddd"),)] ' Kyrgyz - Cyrillic 440 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-441]dddd"),)] ' Swahili 441 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-442]dddd"),)] ' Turkmen 442 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-443]dddd"),)] ' Uzbek - Latin 443 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-444]dddd"),)] ' Tatar 444 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-445]dddd"),)] ' Bengali - India 445 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-446]dddd"),)] ' Punjabi 446 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-447]dddd"),)] ' Gujarati 447 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-448]dddd"),)] ' Oriya 448 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-449]dddd"),)] ' Tamil 449 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-450]dddd"),)] ' Mongolian 450 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-451]dddd"),)] ' Tibetan 451 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-452]dddd"),)] ' Welsh 452 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-453]dddd"),)] ' Khmer 453 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-454]dddd"),)] ' Lao 454 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-455]dddd"),)] ' Burmese 455 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-456]dddd"),)] ' Galician 456 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-457]dddd"),)] ' Konkani 457 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-458]dddd"),)] ' Manipuri 458 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-459]dddd"),)] ' Sindhi 459 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-460]dddd"),)] ' Kashmiri 460 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-461]dddd"),)] ' Nepali 461 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-462]dddd"),)] ' Frisian - Netherlands 462 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-464]dddd"),)] ' Filipino 464 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-465]dddd"),)] ' Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian 465 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-466]dddd"),)] ' Edo 466 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-470]dddd"),)] ' Igbo - Nigeria 470 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-474]dddd"),)] ' Guarani - Paraguay 474 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-476]dddd"),)] ' Latin 476 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-477]dddd"),)] ' Somali 477 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-481]dddd"),)] ' Maori 481 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-801]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Iraq 801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-804]dddd"),)] ' Chinese - China 804 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-807]dddd"),)] ' German - Switzerland 807 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-809]dddd"),)] ' English - Great Britain 809 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-810]dddd"),)] ' Italian - Switzerland 810 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-813]dddd"),)] ' Dutch - Belgium 813 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-814]dddd"),)] ' Norwegian - Nynorsk 814 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-816]dddd"),)] ' Portuguese - Portugal 816 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-818]dddd"),)] ' Romanian - Moldova 818 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-819]dddd"),)] ' Russian - Moldova 819 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-843]dddd"),)] ' Uzbek - Cyrillic 843 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-845]dddd"),)] ' Bengali - Bangladesh 845 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-850]dddd"),)] ' Mongolian 850 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1001]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Libya 1001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1004]dddd"),)] ' Chinese - Singapore 1004 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1007]dddd"),)] ' German - Luxembourg 1007 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1036]dddd"),)] ' France 1036 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1009]dddd"),)] ' English - Canada 1009 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1401]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Algeria 1401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1404]dddd"),)] ' Chinese - Macau SAR 1404 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1407]dddd"),)] ' German - Liechtenstein 1407 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1409]dddd"),)] ' English - New Zealand 1409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1801]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Morocco 1801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-1809]dddd"),)] ' English - Ireland 1809 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-2001]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Oman 2001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-2009]dddd"),)] ' English - Jamaica 2009 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-2401]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Yemen 2401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-2409]dddd"),)] ' English - Caribbean 2409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-2801]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Syria 2801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-2809]dddd"),)] ' English - Belize 2809 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-3001]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Lebanon 3001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-3009]dddd"),)] ' English - Zimbabwe 3009 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-3401]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Kuwait 3401 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-3409]dddd"),)] ' English - Phillippines 3409 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-3801]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - United Arab Emirates 3801 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-4001]dddd"),)] ' Arabic - Qatar 4001 ComboBox1.List = [index(text(row(2:8),"[$-4009]dddd"),)] ' English - India 4009 ComboBox1.List = [index(today()-weekday(today(),2)+row(1:7),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(Text(today()-weekday(today(),2)+row(1:7),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(today()-weekday(today(),2)-7+row(1:7),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(Text(today()-weekday(today(),2)-7+row(1:7),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(today()-weekday(today(),2)+row(8:14),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(Text(today()-weekday(today(),2)+row(8:14),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),month(today()),0)+row(offset(A1,,,day(date(year(today()),month(today())+1,0)),1)),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),month(today()),0)+row(offset(A1,,,day(date(year(today()),month(today())+1,0)),1)),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),month(today())-1,0)+row(offset(A1,,,day(date(year(today()),month(today()),0)),1)),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),month(today())-1,0)+row(offset(A1,,,day(date(year(today()),month(today()),0)),1)),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),month(today())+1,0)+row(offset(A1,,,day(date(year(today()),month(today())+2,0)),1)),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),month(today())+1,0)+row(offset(A1,,,day(date(year(today()),month(today())+2,0)),1)),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+row(1:365),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+row(1:365),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today())-1,1,4)-weekday(date(year(today())-1,1,4),2)+row(1:365),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today())-1,1,4)-weekday(date(year(today())-1,1,4),2)+row(1:365),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today())+1,1,4)-weekday(date(year(today())+1,1,4),2)+row(1:365),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today())+1,1,4)-weekday(date(year(today())+1,1,4),2)+row(1:365),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.10 28 dagen voorafgaand aan vandaag ComboBox1.List = [index(today()-29+row(1:28),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(today()-29+row(1:28),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(today()+row(1:28),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(today()+row(1:28),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.12 alle zondagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+7*row(1:52),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+7*row(1:52),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.13 alle maandagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+1+7*(row(1:52)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+1+7*(row(1:52)-1),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.14 alle dinsdagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+2+7*(row(1:52)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+2+7*(row(1:52)-1),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.15 alle woensdagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+3+7*(row(1:52)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+3+7*(row(1:52)-1),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.16 alle donderdagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+4+7*(row(1:52)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+4+7*(row(1:52)-1),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.17 alle vrijdagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+5+7*(row(1:52)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+5+7*(row(1:52)-1),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.18 alle zaterdagen in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+6+7*(row(1:52)-1),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+6+7*(row(1:52)-1),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] 5.4.19 iedere woensdag om de 6 weken in dit ISO jaar ComboBox1.List = [index(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+3+42*row(1:9),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+3+42*row(1:9),"dd-mm-yyyy"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(text(date(year(today()),1,4)-weekday(date(year(today()),1,4),2)+3+42*row(1:9),"dd-mm-yyyy"))] ComboBox1.List = [index(Text((row(1:24)-1)/24,"hh:mm"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(Text((row(1:24)-1)/24,"hh:mm"))] 5.5.4 ieder halfuur in een dag ComboBox1.List = [index(Text((row(1:48)-1)/48,"hh:mm"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(Text((row(1:48)-1)/48,"hh:mm"))] 5.5.3 ieder kwartier in een dag ComboBox1.List = [index(Text((row(1:96)-1)/96,"hh:mm"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(Text((row(1:96)-1)/96,"hh:mm"))] 5.5.4 iedere 10 minuten in een dag ComboBox1.List = [index(Text((row(1:144)-1)/144,"hh:mm"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(Text((row(1:144)-1)/144,"hh:mm"))] 5.5.5 ieder uur vanaf 08:00 uur tot 18:00 uur ComboBox1.List = [index(Text(row(8:18)/24,"hh:mm"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(Text(row(8:18)/24,"hh:mm"))] 5.5.6 iedere 10 seconden tussen 20:12:00 and 20:14:00 ComboBox1.List = [index(Text(row(7272:7284)/8640,"hh:mm:ss"),)] ComboBox1.List = [transpose(row(7272:7284)/8640,"hh:mm:ss"))] ComboBox1.List = [index(2^row(1:20),)] ComboBox1.List = [index(Row(1:20)^2,)] ComboBox1.List = [index(64^1/row(1:5),)] |