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Mail Exceldata
0 Access to Outlook 1. Exceldata in emailbody 1.1 File 1.2 Sheet values 1.3 Sheet formulae 1.4 Range values 1.5 Range formulae 2 Exceldata in attachment 2.1 SendMail 2.1.1 File, 1 recipient 2.1.2 File, more 2.1.3 File, address in sheet 2.1.4 File integral 2.1.5 Sheet values 2.1.6 File no VBA 2.1.7 Integral Range 2.1.8 Range values 2.2 Routingslip 2.2.1 File, 1 recipient 2.2.2 File more recipients 2.2.3 File address in sheet 2.2.4 File no VBA 2.2.5 File complete 2.2.6 Sheet no VBA 2.2.7 Integral Range 2.3 Outlook attachment 2.3.1 File 2.3.2 Worksheet 2.3.3 Sheet values 2.3.4 File no VBA 2.3 5 Several sheets 2.3.6 Integral Range 2.3.7 Range values |
Mail Exceldata (workbook, worksheet, range) You can mail Exceldata using several methods:- sendmail - routingslip - Outlook You can mail the data in the mail or as attachment. Your choice is dependent of the version of Excel you are working with: the method 'routingslip' isn't available anymore since Excel 2007; in Excel 2000 en 2003 that method is aailable. In many cases the simple methode 'Sendmail' suffices. The routingslip offers unique options (sequentially forwarding, monitoring the forwarding, automatically returning changed/amended attachments). Outlook offers BCC, CC etc. If you use Outlook you need to know how to refer to Outlook in VBA. The examples always use the method CreateObject("Outlook.Application") The examples show how to mail - an entire workbook - a worksheet integrally - only the values in a worksheet - a certain Range in a worksheet - only the values in a certain range VBA has 3 methods to access Outlook from 'outside'; in this case from Excel I. Outlook is not loadedthe method CreateObjectwith CreateObject("Outlook.Application") x=.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6).Items.count
End Withthe method 'CreateObject' doesn't recognize Outlook typenames, only Outlookconstants. For instance: the typename of folder 'PostIN' in VBA is olFolderInbox; the Outlookcontant of this folder 6. x=CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items.count
x=CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6).Items.count II. Outlook has been loadedthe method GetobjectWith Getobject(,"Outlook.Application") x=.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6).Items.Count
End WithIII. Load the Outlook-VBA-libraryThe method 'references': independent of whether Outlook has been loaded or not.manually: VBEditor/ MenuBar / Extra / References / Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library /check
' Outlook 2000
' Outlook 2003 ' Outlook 2007 sub referentie()
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile "msoutl9.olb"
End subThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile "msoutl10.olb" ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile "msoutl11.olb" with Outlook
end withThe examples in this page use the Method 'CreateObject'.
You will need HTML code to accomplish this. So you can convert the complete workbook, a worksheet or any range into an HTML table. You can also convert all formatting into HTML, but here we stick to the values to keep it simple.
Sub volledig_werkboek_in_email()
c01 ="<table border=1 bgcolor=#FFFFF0#>"
End SubFor Each sh In Sheets sn = sh.UsedRange
NextFor j = 1 To UBound(sn) c01 = c01 & "<tr><td>" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
Nextc01 = c01 & "</table><P></P><P></P>" With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "actual workbook" .HTMLBody = c01 .Send
Sub werkblad_waarden_in_email() c01 = "<table border=1 bgcolor=#FFFFF0#>"
End Subsn = Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange For j = 1 To UBound(sn) c01 = c01 & "<tr><td>" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
Nextc01 = c01 & "</table><P></P><P></P>" With CreateObject("outlook.application").CreateItem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "actual worksheetvalues" .HTMLBody = c01 .Send
Sub werkblad_formules_in_email() c01 = "<table border=1 bgcolor=#FFFFF0#>"
End Subsn = Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Formula For j = 1 To UBound(sn) c01 = c01 & "<tr><td>" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
Nextc01 = c01 & "</table><P></P><P></P>" With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "worksheetformulae" .HTMLBody = c01 .Send
Sub range_waarden_in_email() c01 = "<table border=1 bgcolor=#FFFFF0#>"
End Subsn = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:K100") For j = 1 To UBound(sn) c01 = c01 & "<tr><td>" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
Nextc01 = c01 & "</table><P></P><P></P>" With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "Range values" .HTMLBody = c01 .Send
Sub range_formules_in_email() c0 = "<table border=1 bgcolor=#FFFFF0#>"
End Subsn = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:K100").Formula For j = 1 To UBound(sn) c01 = c01 & "<tr><td>" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
Nextc01 = c01 & "</table><P></P><P></P>" With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "Range formulae" .HTMLBody = c01 .Send
- method Routingslip - using Outlook Sub mail_werkboek_met_sendmail()
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail "", "subject"
End Sub
Sub mail_werkboek_met_sendmail_addressen()
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Array("", ""), "subject"
End Sub
Addresses in a column (A1:A10), row (A1:K1) or range (A1:K10) will be converted automatically into a 1-dimensional array. Sub mail_werkboek_met_sendmail_addressen()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Sub.SendMail .sheets(1).Range("A1:G10"), "subject"
End WithSub mail_werkblad_integraal_met_sendmail()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Sub.Sheets(1).Copy
End Withwith ActiveWorkbook .SendMail "", "subject"
End With.Close False Sub mail_werkblad_waarden_met_sendmail()
With ActiveWorkbook
End SubWith .Sheets.Add
End With.Cells = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells.Value
End With.Copy with ActiveWorkbook .SendMail "", "subject"
End With.Close False .Delete Sub mail_werkblad_waarden_met_sendmail()
With ActiveWorkbook
End SubWith .Sheets.Add
End WithActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells.Copy .Cells(1)
End With.Copy with ActiveWorkbook .SendMail "", "subject"
End With.Close False .Delete Sub mail_gebied_integraal_met_sendmail()
With ActiveWorkbook
End SubWith .Sheets.Add
End WithActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1:K25").Copy .Cells(1)
End With.Copy with ActiveWorkbook .SendMail "", "subject"
End With.Close False .Delete Sub mail_gebied_waarden_met_sendmail()
With ActiveWorkbook
End SubWith .Sheets.Add
End With.range("A1:K25") = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1:K25").Value
End With.Copy with ActiveWorkbook .SendMail "", "subject"
End With.Close False .Delete Every officedocument can be sent to 1 or several addresses in your standard email programma - not necessarily Outlook-. Extra facilities in routingslip: - the option to send the document to all addressees simultaneously (Delivery: xlAllAtOnce), or to send it sequentially to the next recipient in the list after opening/adapting the document (Delivery: xlOneAfterAnother). - the option to get a reminder if the document has been forwarded to the next recipient in the list (Trackstatus=True) - the option to return the document after opening/adapting by the recipient (ReturnWhenDone = True) The recipient will prompted after opening/amending the document: - to return the amended document to the sender (ReturnWhenDone) - to forward the document to the next recipient in the list (delivery: xlOneAfterAnother). the recipient only has to click to do as proposed. Unfortunately MS deleted this facility in Office 2007. Sub mail_werkboek_met_circulatielijst()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Sub.HasRoutingSlip = True
End WithWith .RoutingSlip .Recipients = ""
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlAllAtOnce .ReturnWhenDone = True .TrackStatus = False .Route
Sub mail_werkboek_met_circulatielijst()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Sub.HasRoutingSlip = True
End WithWith .RoutingSlip .Recipients = Array("", "")
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlOneAfterAnother .ReturnWhenDone = True .TrackStatus = False .Route
Addresses in a column (A1:A10), row (A1:K1) or range (A1:K10) will be converted automatically into a 1-dimensional array Sub mail_werkboek_met_circulatielijst()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Sub.HasRoutingSlip = True
End WithWith .RoutingSlip .Recipients = sheets(1).range("A1:K10")
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlOneAfterAnother .ReturnWhenDone = True .TrackStatus = False .Route Sub werkboek_zonder_VBA_met_circulatielijst()
With Workbooks.Add
End SubFor Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
End WithWith .Sheets.Add
Next.Name = "c_" & sh.Name
End Withsh.Cells.Copy .Cells(1) .HasRoutingSlip = True With .RoutingSlip .Recipients = ""
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlAllAtOnce .ReturnWhenDone = False .Route .Close False Sub mail_werkblad_met_circulatielijst()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Sub.sheets(1).copy
End WithWith activeworkbook .HasRoutingSlip = True
End WithWith .RoutingSlip .Recipients = ""
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlAllAtOnce .ReturnWhenDone = False .Route Sub mail_werkblad_zonder_VBA_met_circulatielijst()
With ActiveWorkbook
End Subwith .Sheets.Add
End WithActiveworkbook.Sheets(1).Cells.Copy .Cells(1)
End With.Copy With ActiveWorkbook .HasRoutingSlip = True
End WithWith .RoutingSlip .Recipients = ""
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlAllAtOnce .ReturnWhenDone = False .Route .Close False .Delete Sub mail_gebied_met_circulatielijst()
With ActiveWorkbook
End SubWith .Sheets.Add
End WithActiveworkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Copy .Cells(1)
End With.Copy With activeworkbook .HasRoutingSlip = True
End WithWith .RoutingSlip .Recipients = ""
End With.Subject = "subject" .Message = "this is the message" .Delivery = xlAllAtOnce .ReturnWhenDone = False .Route .Close False .Delete That can only be an Excel workbook; you can't add a worksheet, graph or range. If you want to attach a worksheet, graph or range you first have to save that into a workbook. In Excel < 2007 you didn't have to specify the extension nor the 'fileformat' explicitly. Since Excel 2007 it is required. In the example code we assume the atttachment will get the same extension and the same fileformat as the originating one. So us the example code only in workbooks that have been saved (with path and extension). Sub volledig_werkboek_sturen()
With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").createitem(0)
End = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .attachments.Add ThisWorkbook.FullName .Send - save the new, automatically created workbook - add this new workbook as attachment to the email Sub enkel_werkblad_integraal_sturen()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Subc00 = "E:\OF\bestandsnaam." & CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").getextensionname(ThisWorkbook.Name) c01 = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs c00, c01
End With.Close False With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").createitem(0) .to = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .attachments.Add c00 .Send - put in this sheet the values of the sheet to send - copy this temporary sheet so it will become a new workbook - save this new workbook - delete the temporary sheet - add the new saved workbook as attachment to the email Sub enkel_werkblad_alleen_waarden_sturen()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Subc00 = "E:\OF\bestandsnaam." & CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").getextensionname(ThisWorkbook.Name) c01 = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat With ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add .Range(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Blad1").UsedRange.Address) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Blad1").UsedRange.Value
End With.Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs c00, c01
End With.Close False .Delete With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").createitem(0) .to = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .attachments.Add c00 .Send
- copy all cells of the sheet to be sent - copy this temporary sheet so it will become a new workbook - save this new workbook - deletee the temporary sheet - add the new workbook as attachment to the eamail Sub enkel_werkblad_zonder_VBA_sturen()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Subc00 ="E:\OF\bestandsnaam." & CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").getextensionname(ThisWorkbook.Name) c01 = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat With ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.Copy .Cells(1)
End With.Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs c00, c01
End With.Close False .Delete With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").createitem(0) .to = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .attachments.Add c00 .Send
- open that copy file - store the sheetnames that shouldn't be sent in an array - delete the sheets that should not be sent - save the file - add this file as attachment to the email Sub verschillende_werkbladen_integraal_sturen()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Subc00 = "E:\OF\bestandsnaam." & CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").getextensionname(ThisWorkbook.Name) c01 = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat sn = Split("weg1|weg2|weg3", "|") ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs c00 With GetObject(c00) .Sheets(sn).Delete
End With.Close True With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").createitem(0) .to = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .attachments.Add c00 .Send
- copy te range to be copied to this temporary sheet - copy the temporary sheet so it becomes a new workbook - save this new workbook - delete the temporary sheet - add the new file as attachment to the email Sub Range_integraal()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End SubApplication.ScreenUpdating = False c00 = "E:\OF\bestandsnaam." & CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").getextensionname(ThisWorkbook.Name) c01 = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:AC152").Copy .Range("A1")
End With.Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs c00, c01
End With.Close .Delete With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .Attachments.Add c00 .Send - put the values of the range to be copied into the range to be sent - copy the temporary sheet so it becomes a new workbook - save the new workbook - delete the temporary worksheet - add the new file as attachment to the email Sub Range_alleen_waarden()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End SubApplication.ScreenUpdating = False c00 = "E:\OF\bestandsnaam." & CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").getextensionname(ThisWorkbook.Name) c01 = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat c02 = "Blad1" c03 = "A1:AC152" With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add .Range(c03) = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(c02).Range(c03).Value
End With.Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs c00, c01
End With.Close .Delete With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").createitem(0) .To = ""
End With.Subject = "example" .Attachments.Add c00 .Send |